When you leave the hospital, you'll be given a pulse oximeter along with instructions for how to set up your profile on the ATC Alert Tactio app.
ATC Alert's Tactio App will automatically remind you to do so
So we ensure your health condition continues to improve each and every day
Make sure to take your measurements each time you're prompted by the app. This helps us ensure you're on your road to recovery.
ATC Alert is one of America's leading connected health companies, with thousands of customers across the United States and Canada. The company's mission features a commitment to remotely connecting seniors with their families and healthcare providers to enable them to live life independently as they age.
ATC remotely monitors thousands of customers from all 50 states.
If you're a patient, you need to be signed up by your healthcare provider. Once it's been determined that you have COVID-19 and that you're healthy enough to recover from home, your hospital or care provider will automatically enroll you in the program.
If you're a Healthcare Provider interested in enrolling your patients in ATC Alert's COVID program, get in touch with us.
Upon leaving the hospital, you'll be given a Pulse Oximeter device and shown how to use it by a discharge nurse. The same nurse will also let ATC know that you're being sent home for recovery and will give us some baseline measurements like your breathing rate and your pulse oximetry.
By the time you're home, you'll already have received both an email and text message with a link to sign up for ATC Alert's Tactio Patient app. Follow the simple setup instructions and in less than 60 seconds you'll be enrolled.
During the first 48 hours after you arrive at home, ATC's nurses will reach out to you multiple times to check on your condition and help you take your measurements.
You'll be prompted by the app to take your measurements twice each day- once in the morning and once in the evening. It's extremely important that you follow these guidelines as they were set by your care provider.
Taking your measurements and inputting them into the app won't take you more than a minute and will help us ensure that your condition is improving each day.
It's important that you take your measurements when prompted by the app so that our nurses can monitor your condition.
You can also take your measurements at any time of the day or night and input them into the app so that our nurses can see them and respond if necessary.
If you are experiencing and emergency or can't breath, always call 911 directly
You can reach ATC Alert support 7 days/week from 8 AM to 8 PM EST by either calling us at 888-267-0562 or by clicking the chat button on the bottom right corner of the screen to live chat with an agent.
If it's after support hours and you have a medical question about your readings or condition, you can reach out to our nursing staff 24/7 by either messaging them directly through the app or by calling our nursing hotline at 888-355-9782
We're Here For You Around The Clock. If You Need Us, Just Reach Out!
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Email us directly at COVIDSupport@atcalert.com or call us at 1-888-267-0562. You can also checkout our FAQ page to get more information about our products.
The easiest way to contact the nurse on duty monitoring you is to send them a message directly through the app. They'll respond right away at any hour of the day. Otherwise, you can call (888) 355-9782 and be connected directly to an ATC nurse on staff 24/7
(888) 267-0562
Customer Technical Support Available from 8AM - 8PM 7 Days/week